Skok ze spadochronem, rejs statkiem, lot w kosmos, windsurfing, nurkowanie, zagrać w filmie z Natalie Portman, jazda na największym roller coasterze .... mam ochotę zrobić coś szalonego, uwolnić się od codziennej monotonii bo właśnie ta monotonia jest w tym wszystkim najgorsza i sprawia że wszystko zaczyna być nudne i bez sensu.
Translation: Parachute jump, voyage by ship , space flight, windsurfing, diving, play in a movie with Natalie Portman, ride on biggest roller coaster .... I want to do something crazy, win through from the daily monotony cuz in all exactly this monotony is the worse and causes that everything is boring and nonsense.
Translation: Parachute jump, voyage by ship , space flight, windsurfing, diving, play in a movie with Natalie Portman, ride on biggest roller coaster .... I want to do something crazy, win through from the daily monotony cuz in all exactly this monotony is the worse and causes that everything is boring and nonsense.
winter holiday
little of the relaxation
loved cousins
he is pleasing much
I'm inviting for coffee